Killearn Cottagers' Horticultural Society

Our first ‘virtual’ Annual Show competition closed on 15 August 2020 and in total there were a fantastic 354 valid entries.
The seven judges were not told who had submitted the entries as each photo was anonymised with an entry code.
One judge commented that it was very difficult to judge because so many photographs were of a very high standard.
Only one class didn’t have any entries, which means there are 47 winners, 42 in second place, 39 in third place and seven “highly commended”.
Heather Wright, KCHS Chair, said: “A big thank you to all those who sent in entries to our virtual show. We are very pleased at both the number and quality of the entries. We hope you enjoy looking at all the great photos and that it will inspire lots of entries for our next show!”
Click on the images below to see the photos in the 10 Sections.
Click on the images below to see the photos in the 10 Sections.
Who's photo is that?
A PDF document of the entries showing entry code, entrant’s name and village/town has been added below for reference.