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Killearn is an attractive village nestling near the northwestern end of the Campsie Fells, 17 miles north of the centre of Glasgow. 


Our Horticultural Society is more than 150 years old and we hold an Annual Show every August.  

We also organise plant sales and fundraising events.

About us

The Society was established in 1850 for "The encouragement of the art and practice of Gardening and Horticulture".

We became a registered charity in 2016. Our Scottish Charity Number is SC046701.

Our objectives

We aim to promote interest, knowledge and skills in the practice of horticulture and crafts amongst the public, in particular in Killearn and the nearby Strathendrick villages.


We support local voluntary and charitable organisations which contribute to the development or wellbeing of the local community.

Our activities

Our main event is the Annual Show.

We hold fundraising events, including a Whist Drive and a Plant Sale every year.

Excess funds are dispersed through donations to local organisations and charities.

We also run a summer annual coach outing to places with interesting gardens, such as Glamis Castle.

Annual Show

The Annual Show is held on the last Saturday of August and is open to the residents of Killearn and people from outwith the area.


Structure, governance and management

The Society is governed by a written constitution that sets out its purpose and structure, and describes how it operates. When it became a Charity the Society appointed five Trustees, with two more appointed in 2019 and one more in 2022.

AGM and Committee

The Society's affairs are managed by the Horti committee who are elected annually at the General Meeting.


The following office bearers were elected at the AGM in February 2024:

Honorary President: Jenny Wilkes

Honorary Vice-President: John Phillips

*Chair: Paul Searle

*Vice Chair: Sharon Bowness

*Secretary: Glenda Asquith

*Treasurer: Neil Metcalfe

*Show Convener: Grant Farquharson

Schedule Secretary: Mary Fraser

* This role is also a Trustee.

Our policy on reserves

The Society aims to break even each year and hold only sufficient reserves to fund its activities and to cover any short-term shortfalls in income generation or unexpected additional expenditure. 

Trustees’ Annual Reports

Every year all charities have to submit an annual return to the Scottish Charity Regulator


Below you can download the more recent reports the Horti submitted:

2022 annual report

2021 annual report

2020 annual report


Be our Friend

It’s easy to think that everything takes place every year without effort or planning. But while there are more than a dozen people on the committee, we are always looking for new faces to help.


While we recognise that not everyone wants to join a committee, we know there are folk who may want to help out occasionally.


We could always do with a hand because our various events do take a fair bit of planning, effort, and elbow grease.


And we want to continue to meet the Horti’s aim to “promote interest, knowledge and skills in the practice of horticulture and crafts” in Killearn and the nearby villages.


Therefore, we are looking for people to be a “Friend of the Horti”.


Being a Friend doesn’t have a job description but it could involve volunteering to assist, helping set up at events, being a steward, selling schedules, serving teas, all without being on the committee (unless you want to be!).


If this sounds like something you would want to do, get in touch by email or talk to a committee member.

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