Killearn Cottagers' Horticultural Society

“Showing veg at your local show”
Sunday 12 March 2023
Balfron Bowling & Social Club
Buchanan St, Balfron G63 0RN
The speaker is Jim Williams, from The National Vegetable Society.
Jim is the current Chair of the Judges Examination Panel and one of the NVS’s most respected judges.
The NVS which was formed in 1960 with the specific aim of encouraging the growing and exhibition of quality vegetables.
Its aim is to advance the education of the public in the cultivation and improvement of vegetable growing, and to advance knowledge of and increase public interest in vegetables by the publication of information and by providing advice and help to all levels of vegetable growers.
People often ask the Horti about the best way to prepare for exhibiting at our annual show. If you grow vegetables, or even if you never have, come along to this FREE talk and find out how to grow vegetables for the annual show.
Tea and coffee served afterwards.
Free entry